Consolidate screening, CRF, bioanalysis and source data management within one utility

LIMS technology is used for specific operations in the life sciences industries, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, Biobanks / Biorepositories, contract services organizations (CROs and CMOs), molecular diagnostics (MDx) & clinical research laboratories, academic research institutes, petrochemical and oil & gas refineries, chemical industry, food & beverage and agriculture industry, environmental testing and other Industries.
Laboratory Information systems form a sub-segment of diagnostic centers that exclude imaging but offer an extensive array of blood work and sample testing services. Xeeor LIMS provides a cost - effective and compliant service management and delivery platform for diagnostic laboratories covering their full scope of operations from registration to report delivery.
Xeeor’s Enterprise Laboratory Platform promotes success. Comprised of LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) and ELN (Electronic Laboratory Notebook) functioning as an integrated single solution, it offers the industry’s broadest range of user-configurable functionality and is based entirely on open standards. This provides the best solution to current requirements and also enables the system to be readily adapted, as your business needs change. Our commitment to open standards also means that our solution will be compatible with your existing computing environment and that you can be confident that it will adapt to the future. Our unique software enhancement program provides continuous added value in the form of new product features and functional modules.
Xeeor’s Enterprise Laboratory Platform encompasses all of the traditional LIMS and ELN concepts and extends them even further by adding complementary capabilities and technologies. Most importantly, it does so with complete and seamless integration. The result is a single system that meets the diverse needs of the modern laboratory.
Produce reliable results more quickly
XeLIMS allows you to effectively manage samples and associated data. By using XeLIMS, your lab can automate workflows, integrate instruments, and manage samples and associated information.
Additionally, you can produce reliable results more quickly and track data from sequencing runs over time and across experiments to improve efficiency.
Includes all Xeeor Cloud Products and the ancillary services to enhance them.
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